During the study of the Text Output to the Screen course, we wrote a program that displays Auntie Owl on the screen

During the study of the Text Output to the Screen course, we wrote a program that displays Auntie Owl on the screen. Now you need to write a program that, based on a number entered from the keyboard, will display the corresponding number of owls. Please note that Auntie Owls image consists of characters and has a size of 5 by 11 characters. 🙂 / (: { (@)v(@) } { | ~- -~ | } { /^ ^ ^ } ===m-m=== There is an empty (composed of spaces) column between two neighboring owls.

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Тема вопроса: Displaying Auntie Owl Program

Пояснение: To create a program that displays a corresponding number of Auntie Owls based on user input, you can use a loop to print the owl’s image the desired number of times. Here’s a Python example:

# Prompt user for the number of owls
num_owls = int(input("Enter the number of owls: "))

# Auntie Owl image
auntie_owl = [
    "   / (:  ",
    " { (@)v(@) }",
    " { | ~- -~ |}",
    " { /^  ^ ^ \}",
    " ===m-m===",

# Display owls
for _ in range(num_owls):
    for line in auntie_owl:
    print()  # Add an empty line between neighboring owls

Демонстрация: If the user enters 3, the program will display three Auntie Owls with an empty column between them.

Совет: Pay attention to the structure of the owl’s image. Use nested loops to iterate through each line of the Auntie Owl and repeat the process for the desired number of owls.

Задание для закрепления: Write a program in Python that prompts the user for a number and displays a pyramid pattern of Auntie Owls, where each row contains an increasing number of owls, starting from one owl in the first row.

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