1. Rewrite the sentences using Present Perfect and Past Simple: 1) We purchased a new dishwasher recently. 2) They have

1. Rewrite the sentences using Present Perfect and Past Simple:
1) We purchased a new dishwasher recently.
2) They have returned very recently.
3) Our teacher has visited Britain multiple times.
4) They drove to Oxford with their friends last Tuesday.
5) Mum has just finished cooking, we can have dinner now.

2. Complete the sentences with back, out, away, up:
1) I wont back down from dance classes, because I really enjoy it.
2) Sandra decided to leave the place.

Пошаговое объяснение:

Present Perfect и Past Simple:

Present Perfect используется для описания действий, которые произошли в прошлом, но имеют связь с настоящим моментом или результатами, которые продолжаются в настоящем. Past Simple используется для описания завершенных действий в прошлом.

Пример использования:
1) We have recently purchased a new dishwasher.
2) They returned very recently.
3) Our teacher has visited Britain multiple times.
4) They drove to Oxford with their friends last Tuesday.
5) Mum has just finished cooking, we can have dinner now.

Чтобы лучше разобраться в использовании Present Perfect и Past Simple, рекомендуется обратить внимание на ключевые слова и выражения, которые указывают на время или продолжительность изначального действия, например, «recently» или «multiple times».

Перепишите следующие предложения, используя Present Perfect и Past Simple:
1) He went to the store yesterday.
2) I have never traveled abroad.
3) They have lived in this city for five years.
4) She went to the party last night.
5) We have finished our homework already.

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