Вопросы по предмету: Аглийский язык

1. Мне прочитали только отрывок из его нового рассказа, однако он сразу привлек мое внимание. 2. Его презентации всегда

1. Мне прочитали только отрывок из его нового рассказа, однако он сразу привлек мое внимание. 2. Его презентации всегда слушают с большим интересом. 3. Вам пояснили, как дойти до театра? 4. Ему уже отправили телеграмму. 5. Почему этот факт был упомянут дважды в конце разговора? 6. Прямо сейчас мы пишем контрольные работы. — Когда будут… Читать далее »

When my son reached the age of eight months, it could honestly be stated that he was consuming literature. (0) I . Some

When my son reached the age of eight months, it could honestly be stated that he was consuming literature. (0) I . Some of Henrys genetic material has become permanently embedded in the slightly worn-out pages of Goodnight Moon, and the torn edges of pages 3 and 8 indicate that a portion of Goodnight Moon… Читать далее »

Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences. 1. Geography Earth Science a) Tom finds it captivating, as he

Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences. 1. Geography Earth Science a) Tom finds it captivating, as he acquires extensive knowledge about the creation and past of our planet. b) Mary dreams of visiting all the countries she learned about in her ___ class. 2. raise lift a) You dont have to elevate your… Читать далее »

What is the meaning of the term computer-literate? What is the importance of computers in our society? What is the

What is the meaning of the term computer-literate? What is the importance of computers in our society? What is the definition of electronics? In what places are electronic devices utilized? Which invention led to the development of electronics? When and where was the transistor first created? What were the benefits of the transistor compared to… Читать далее »

In the future, will Ron take the plaster? Have blinds been fitted on the windows by Jane? Are my parents going to

In the future, will Ron take the plaster? Have blinds been fitted on the windows by Jane? Are my parents going to design their house? Will Tom repair his car next week? Was the theme explained by the students? Исчерпывающий ответ: Формулировка: Будет ли Рон надевать гипс? Разъяснение: Ответ на этот вопрос зависит от контекста… Читать далее »