Вопросы по предмету: Аглийский язык

1. Can you repair the computer that is not functioning properly? 2. Several researchers from Canada have been working

1. Can you repair the computer that is not functioning properly? 2. Several researchers from Canada have been working on the same matter, making this experiment not unique. 3. It is challenging to assess the effectiveness of this program. 4. Who is credited with the discovery of the planet Jupiter? 5. We acknowledge that it… Читать далее »

Construct sentences using the words provided. 1. — Time flies. — Yes, life is short. 2. When one is happy, time flies

Construct sentences using the words provided. 1. — Time flies. — Yes, life is short. 2. When one is happy, time flies. 3. Students usually come out of lecture halls noisily at three oclock. 4. He understands French very well, but he doesnt speak it very easily. 5. My daughter always sings loudly in the… Читать далее »

Предоставляешь ли ты грамматический тренажёр по английскому языку, разработанный Д. Г. Юшиной?

Предоставляешь ли ты грамматический тренажёр по английскому языку, разработанный Д. Г. Юшиной? Проверенный ответ: Название: Грамматический тренажер по английскому языку разработанный Д.Г. Юшиной. Объяснение: Грамматический тренажер по английскому языку разработанный Д.Г. Юшиной представляет собой набор упражнений, которые помогут школьникам улучшить свои навыки в грамматике английского языка. Тренажер разработан опытным преподавателем Д.Г. Юшиной и содержит разнообразные… Читать далее »

Tell the class about the benefits that each person (1-3) mentions regarding their job. Select from the options given

Tell the class about the benefits that each person (1-3) mentions regarding their job. Select from the options given: workplace atmosphere, income, level of authority, manager, innovation, overall job contentment, job acknowledgment, prospects, teamwork, job stability, additional perks. Пошаговый ответ: Тема вопроса: Преимущества, о которых каждый человек (1-3) упоминает в отношении своей работы. Описание: Каждый… Читать далее »

Write an article for your school magazine discussing a bird, insect, or animal that evokes strong emotions in you. Make

Write an article for your school magazine discussing a bird, insect, or animal that evokes strong emotions in you. Make sure you have sufficient knowledge about the animal in order to provide a detailed description. Include: — A choice of one animal that either frightens, amuses, or confuses you — Make use of sensory details… Читать далее »

b) Listen to the details about traditional youth organizations in Britain and fill in the blanks below. 1 Various

b) Listen to the details about traditional youth organizations in Britain and fill in the blanks below. 1 Various styles such as …, …, and … emerged in British culture. 2 … is widely recognized as the renowned traditional youth group. 3 The establishment of this group dates back to …, when it was established… Читать далее »

Read the statements about peoples hobbies and complete the table below. Kate, a bank manager aged 43, has a hobby of

Read the statements about peoples hobbies and complete the table below. Kate, a bank manager aged 43, has a hobby of training dogs. She has a dog named Jerry and they have a strong bond. Jerry listens to all of Kates commands and can perform various tricks. They have a great understanding between them. Kate… Читать далее »

1. What did Stephen Venables love for mountains start at when he was a child?

1. What did Stephen Venables love for mountains start at when he was a child? Пошаговый ответ: Тема: Страсть Стивена Венеблса к горам Описание: Страсть Стивена Венеблса к горам началась в детстве, когда он впервые посетил Шотландию и увидел величественные горы. Венеблс был очарован красотой природы, высотой горных пиков и атмосферой свободы, которая царила в… Читать далее »