Complete the email by using the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Hello, Gilly. How

Complete the email by using the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Hello, Gilly. How is your new job going? My university course is going well, but its Friday evening and Im back home for the weekend. Right now, Im currently sitting on my bed and playing a computer game on my laptop. Usually, in the evenings, I study or go out with my friends. My family is downstairs. My mom is making dinner and I think my dad is helping Julie with her homework. I cant continue writing.

Пошаговое решение:

Тема: Использование форм Present Simple и Present Continuous

Описание: Для завершения задания требуется использовать формы глаголов в Present Simple или Present Continuous времени.

Present Simple используется для выражения регулярных или повседневных действий, фактов и привычек. Например, «I study in the evenings» (Я учусь по вечерам).

Present Continuous используется для описания временных действий, происходящих в настоящий момент или вокруг него. Например, «I am playing a computer game on my laptop» (Я играю в компьютерную игру на своем ноутбуке).

Пример использования:
Hello, Gilly. How is your new job going? My university course is going well, but it’s Friday evening and I’m back home for the weekend. Right now, I am currently sitting on my bed and playing a computer game on my laptop. Usually, in the evenings, I study or go out with my friends. My family is downstairs. My mom is making dinner and my dad is watching TV.

Чтобы легче запомнить, когда использовать Present Simple и Present Continuous, полезно вспомнить правила их использования, сделать табличку, которая поможет вам лучше понять, в каких ситуациях применять каждую форму.

Complete the text below with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets.
Hello, Sarah. How are you? I (read) __________ a book at the moment, but usually, I (watch) __________ TV in the evenings. My sister (study) __________ for her exams right now. My parents (work) __________ in the garden. We (have) __________ dinner at 7 pm every day.

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