1. How is data divided into smaller parts by the transport and network layers? 2. What is the reason for performing a

1. How is data divided into smaller parts by the transport and network layers?
2. What is the reason for performing a transmission checksum test?
3. For how long does the data-link layer retain a copy of each packet?
4. What tasks can be performed at intermediate nodes?
5. Which network communications layer is being referred to in the given statements?
a. Ensures the transmission of messages in a specific language.

Подробный ответ:

1. How is data divided into smaller parts by the transport and network layers?

The transport layer divides data into smaller parts called segments or datagrams depending on the protocol being used. This process is known as segmentation or fragmentation. Segmentation breaks the data into smaller units known as segments, while fragmentation breaks the data into smaller units known as datagrams.

In the transport layer, the protocol being used determines the size of the segments. For example, in TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), the maximum segment size is determined during the TCP three-way handshake process. The transport layer encapsulates these segments by adding a header that includes control information, such as source and destination port numbers.

In the network layer, the data is further divided into smaller parts called packets. The network layer encapsulates the segments with its own header, including source and destination IP addresses. These packets are then sent over the network and delivered to the destination.

For example, when sending a large file over the internet, the transport layer may divide the file into smaller segments. These segments are then encapsulated with transport layer headers and sent over the network. At the receiving end, the transport layer reassembles the segments to reconstruct the original file.

To understand the process of data division in the transport and network layers, it is helpful to study the different protocols used in each layer. For example, understanding TCP and UDP in the transport layer and IP in the network layer can provide insights into how data is divided, encapsulated, and transmitted.

Дополнительное задание:
Explain the process of data division in the transport and network layers in your own words, using examples to illustrate your explanation.

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