Complete the story using a collocation from A in the right format. Jim Yelland lost his enthusiasm for school when he

Complete the story using a collocation from A in the right format. Jim Yelland lost his enthusiasm for school when he reached the age of 11 or 12. During his time in primary school, he was a diligent student. He paid close attention during lessons and consistently completed his homework. He performed exceptionally well and achieved high grades. Nevertheless, his parents never showed any interest in his achievements, which eventually led him to give up trying. In high school, he completely abandoned his studies. He disregarded the rules and found himself in trouble repeatedly. He started playing truant from school for

Пошаговое объяснение:

Тема: Коллокации

Разъяснение: Коллокации — это словосочетания, которые употребляются вместе с определенными словами. Они являются частью естественного языка и помогают нам выразить свои мысли более точно и гармонично. В задаче нам предлагается завершить историю, используя коллокации из варианта A. Использование правильных коллокаций позволит нам составить логическую и связную историю.

Пример использования: Jim Yelland lost his enthusiasm for school when he reached the age of 11 or 12. During his time in primary school, he was a diligent student. He paid close attention during lessons and consistently completed his homework. He performed exceptionally well and achieved high grades. Nevertheless, his parents never showed any interest in his achievements, which dampened his motivation to excel further.

Совет: Чтение и просмотр аутентичных материалов, таких как книги, статьи или фильмы, поможет вам лучше понять и запомнить коллокации. Также полезно вести свой лексический дневник, где вы будете записывать новые коллокации и их значения.

Упражнение: Завершите предложение, используя коллокацию из варианта A: «She ____________ her ambitions and worked hard to achieve them.»

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