Choose the correct version: 1) Which is (more interesting / interesting) than the play? 2) Which is (the most modern /

Choose the correct version:

1) Which is (more interesting / interesting) than the play?
2) Which is (the most modern / more modern) than ours?
3) Which is (the most modern / more modern) of all?
4) Which is (the most important / more important) language in the world?
5) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than our country cottage?
6) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than their TV set?
7) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than the car?
8) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than Sochi?
9) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than a bungalow?
10) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than villages?
11) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than the city center?
12) Which is (more beautiful / beautiful) than the mansion?

Пошаговый ответ:

Тема: Сравнительная степень прилагательных

Объяснение: Сравнительная степень прилагательных используется для сравнения двух предметов или лиц. В английском языке обычно есть две формы сравнительной степени: «more/less + прилагательное» и «the + прилагательное + -er». Также есть исключения, где прилагательное имеет уникальную форму, например «good — better».

Пример использования:
1. Which is more interesting than the play?
2. Which is more modern than ours?
3. Which is the most modern of all?
4. Which is the most important language in the world?
5. Which is more beautiful than our country cottage?
6. Which is more beautiful than their TV set?
7. Which is more beautiful?

Совет: Для понимания и запоминания правил сравнительной степени прилагательных, рекомендуется составлять предложения с использованием сравнительных форм в практическом контексте. Можно также использовать упражнения, в которых необходимо заполнить пропуски в предложениях соответствующими сравнительными формами прилагательных.

Упражнение: Заполните пропуски в предложениях с использованием сравнительной степени прилагательных:
1. This book is ___________ (interesting) than the previous one.
2. The red apple is ___________ (big) than the green one.
3. She is ___________ (smart) student in the class.
4. The cat is ___________ (fast) than the turtle.
5. New York City is ___________ (crowded) than Los Angeles.

1. more interesting
2. bigger
3. the smartest
4. faster
5. more crowded

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