a) Who did I recently see near the entrance? I just _________ Michael. b) What did he do to make sure the audience was

a) Who did I recently see near the entrance? I just _________ Michael.
b) What did he do to make sure the audience was ready to hear his speech? He __________ to see.
c) What did I dream about last night? I had a dream about being pulled to the bottom of the ocean by a _________.
d) How would you describe Andrews nightmare? Andrews nightmare was completely _________; he dreamt of a three-headed monster approaching him, but he was unable to move.
e) Who was Jamie looking at in the mirror? She was looking at her _________.

Подробный ответ:

Тема: Слова с пропусками

Пояснение: Данная задача относится к теме заполнения пропусков в предложениях. Часто в таких задачах предлагается выбрать правильное слово или фразу, чтобы сделать предложение логичным и грамматически правильным. Цель таких упражнений — проверить понимание контекста и умение выбирать подходящие слова.

Пример использования:
a) Who did I recently see near the entrance? I just saw Michael.
b) What did he do to make sure the audience was ready to hear his speech? He checked to see.
c) What did I dream about last night? I had a dream about being pulled to the bottom of the ocean by a monster.
d) How would you describe Andrews nightmare? Andrews nightmare was completely terrifying; he dreamt of a three-headed monster approaching him, but he woke up before anything happened.

Совет: Чтение многоязыковых книг, статей и других текстов поможет улучшить умение заполнять пропуски в предложениях. Также полезно учить новые слова и фразы, чтобы иметь больше вариантов для заполнения пропусков. Пробуйте писать свои собственные предложения с пропусками и заполняйте их, чтобы улучшить навык.

Упражнение: Заполните пропуски в следующем предложении: «Yesterday, I __________ my best friend after a long time.»

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