How much free space is available on the hard drive with a capacity of 0.5 gigabytes when there is 2008 kilobytes of

How much free space is available on the hard drive with a capacity of 0.5 gigabytes when there is 2008 kilobytes of information stored on it?

Пошаговое объяснение:

To calculate the available free space on a hard drive with a capacity of 0.5 gigabytes when there is 2008 kilobytes of information stored on it, you need to convert the capacity and the stored information to the same unit, either gigabytes or kilobytes, and then subtract the stored information from the total capacity.

1 gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1024 megabytes (MB), and 1 megabyte (MB) is equal to 1024 kilobytes (KB).

First, let’s convert the hard drive capacity to kilobytes (KB):

0.5 gigabytes (GB) * 1024 megabytes (MB/GB) * 1024 kilobytes (KB/MB) = 512,000 kilobytes (KB)

Now that both the capacity and stored information are in kilobytes, you can calculate the available free space:

Available Free Space = Capacity — Stored Information
Available Free Space = 512,000 KB — 2008 KB
Available Free Space = 510,992 kilobytes (KB)

So, the available free space on the hard drive is 510,992 kilobytes (KB).

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