Test two. Complete the text by using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms. Halleys Comet is a comet that (1

Test two. Complete the text by using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms. Halleys Comet is a comet that (1. comes back) to the solar system every 76 years. Have you ever (2. heard) anything about it? It (3. got its name) after the astronomer Edmond Halley who (4. observed) Halleys Comet (5. previously). There were sightings of bright lights in the sky before. It (7. happened) in 1531 and in 1607, so he (8. did) calculations and (9. predicted) its return to the astronomers after the English astronomer saw it in 1682. Thats what people (6. saw) in a little mathematical equation that the space visitor (10. follows).

Детальное объяснение:

Тема: Завершите текст, используя глаголы в скобках в соответствующих формах

Объяснение: В данной задаче вам нужно заполнить пропуски в тексте, используя глаголы в соответствующих формах. Некоторые глаголы нужно использовать в Present Simple, некоторые в Present Perfect, и один глагол нужно использовать в Past Simple. Учитывайте время, контекст и согласование с подлежащим, чтобы выбрать правильную форму глагола.

Пример использования:

Halleys Comet is a comet that (1. comes) back to the solar system every 76 years. Have you ever (2. heard) anything about it? It (3. got) its name after the astronomer Edmond Halley who (4. observed) Halleys Comet (5. previously). There were sightings of bright lights in the sky before. It (7. happened) in 1531 and in 1607, so he (8. did) his research and (9. concluded) that it was the same comet returning.

Совет: Внимательно читайте предложения и обращайте внимание на время глаголов, чтобы определить, в какой форме использовать каждый глагол. Обратите внимание на то, что в некоторых случаях нужно использовать Present Simple, а в других Present Perfect или Past Simple, в зависимости от контекста.

Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильными формами глаголов в скобках.

1. Halleys Comet (come) back to the solar system every 76 years.
2. Have you ever (hear) anything about it?
3. It (get) its name after the astronomer Edmond Halley who (observe) Halleys Comet (previously).
4. There were sightings of bright lights in the sky before. It (happen) in 1531 and in 1607, so he (do) his research and (conclude) that it was the same comet returning.

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