1. How did the picture end up on the floor? (What happened to it?) 2. Why were the people next to you on the plane

1. How did the picture end up on the floor? (What happened to it?)
2. Why were the people next to you on the plane anxious? (What was their previous experience with flying?)
3. How has your hometown changed since you last visited? (What was different about it?)
4. Had you heard the song before the person sang it? (Were you familiar with it previously?)

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Picture on the Floor:
Пояснение: The picture ended up on the floor because it fell from the wall. There could be several reasons why it fell. It might have been hung improperly or the hook holding it in place could have been loose. Additionally, vibrations or sudden movements in the room, such as closing a door forcefully, could have caused the picture to fall. Another possibility is that a nearby object, like a ball or a gust of wind, hit the picture and knocked it off the wall.

Например: Imagine a scenario where someone was rearranging the furniture in the room. If they accidentally moved a chair that was supporting the picture, it could have caused the picture to fall and end up on the floor.

Совет: To prevent pictures from falling in the future, it is important to ensure that they are hung securely. Use appropriate hanging materials, such as hooks or nails designed for pictures, and check them regularly to ensure they are still intact. Additionally, be cautious when moving objects near hanging pictures to avoid accidentally hitting them and causing them to fall.

Практика: Imagine you have a picture hanging on your wall. What are some precautions you can take to prevent it from falling?

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