Write one sentence using who /that / which: a book was written 5 years ago. it is very popular. Combine the two

Write one sentence using who /that / which: a book was written 5 years ago. it is very popular.

Combine the two sentences using who /that / which: The book that was written 5 years ago is very popular.

Turn the imperative sentence into a question: There is a book on the table. Take it.

What should be taken from the table?

Combine the two sentences using who /that / which: He paid for the house 100,000$. It is now worth 150,000$.

The house that he paid 100,000$ for is now worth 150,000$.

Turn the active sentence into a passive question: A policeman stopped our car. He wasn’t very friendly.

Was our car stopped by a friendly policeman?

Combine the two sentences using who /that / which: A boy broke the window. He ran away.

The boy who broke the window ran away.

Turn the declarative sentence into an interrogative question: I met a woman. She can speak six languages.

Who is the woman that can speak six languages?

What is the name of the river that goes through the town?

Combine the two sentences using who /that / which: A coffee-maker is a machine. The machine makes coffee.

The coffee-maker is a machine that makes coffee.

Ann took some… (The text is cut off here. Could you provide the full sentence?)

Проверенное решение:

Тема: Объединение предложений с помощью who / that / which

Использование who / that / which в предложениях позволяет объединять два или более предложения в одно. Они используются для указания на предмет или лицо, о котором говорится в предыдущем предложении.

Пример использования:
Одно предложение: Книга была написана 5 лет назад. Она очень популярна.
Объединение предложений: Книга, которая была написана 5 лет назад, очень популярна.

Чтобы понять, какие слова использовать (who / that / which), необходимо определить, о каком предмете или лице идет речь в предыдущем предложении и насколько важно указать на этот предмет или лицо в следующем предложении.

Кто купил этот дом за 100 000$?

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