1. How long have you been learning Chinese? Your teacher says you have already made great progress after studying for a

1. How long have you been learning Chinese? Your teacher says you have already made great progress after studying for a year.
2. Monica is still doing the housework. She hasnt finished cleaning yet.
3. A: How long have you known Susan? B: I have known Susan for approximately 10 years. She is my closest friend.
4. Look! Our front door has been broken! Call the police immediately.
5. My brother works as a fashion designer. He participates in fashion shows in Milan.
6. A: Is it

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Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to talk about an action that started in the past, is still ongoing in the present, and might continue into the future. It is formed by using «have/has been» + the present participle form of the verb (-ing form). In this tense, we focus on the duration of an action, whether it has been completed or not.

1. Как долго ты изучаешь китайский язык? Твой учитель говорит, что ты уже достиг значительного прогресса после года учебы.
2. Моника все еще занимается домашними делами. Она еще не закончила уборку.
3. A: Как долго ты знаешь Сьюзен? B: Я знаю Сьюзен примерно 10 лет. Она мой самый близкий друг.
4. Посмотри! Наша входная дверь сломана! Немедленно вызови полицию.
5. Мой брат работает модельером. Он занимается моделированием моды.

To better understand and use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense, it is important to practice using time expressions such as «for» (для, на) and «since» (с, с тех пор как) to indicate the duration of the action. Additionally, pay attention to the form of the auxiliary verb «have/has been» and ensure it agrees with the subject.

Translate the following sentence into Russian: «I have been studying French for three years.»

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