1. Whose book is it? — (I) It belongs to me. 2. Whose ring is it? — (She) It belongs to her. 3. Whose rabbits are they?

1. Whose book is it? — (I) It belongs to me.
2. Whose ring is it? — (She) It belongs to her.
3. Whose rabbits are they? — (We) They belong to us.
4. Whose canary is it? — (He) It belongs to him.
5. Whose badges are they? — (She) They belong to her.
6. Whose drawing is it? — (We) It belongs to us.
7. Whose goldfish are they? — (he) They belong to him.
8. Whose bike is it? — (They) It belongs to them.
9. Whose mice are they? — (We) They belong to us.
10. Whose telephone number is it? — (You) It belongs to you.
11. Whose kites are they? — (I) They belong to me.

Детальное объяснение:

Тема: Принадлежность

Принадлежность указывает на то, кому принадлежит какая-либо вещь или кто является владельцем. В английском языке употребляются глаголы «belong to» и «belongs to» для обозначения принадлежности.

Пример использования:
— (We) They belong to us.
4. Whose canary is it? — (He) It belongs to him.
5. Whose badges are they? — (She) They belong to her.
6. Whose drawing is it? — (We) It belongs to us.
7. Whose goldfish are they? — (he) They belong to him.
8. Whose bike is it? — (They) It belongs to them.
9. Whose mice are they? — (You) They belong to you.

Совет: Чтобы легче запомнить, какой глагол использовать для обозначения принадлежности, обратите внимание на его форму — «belongs to» соответствует третьему лицу единственного числа, а «belong to» используется для всех остальных форм лица и числа. Помимо этого, хорошо бы составить список вопросительных слов, таких как «whose», чтобы понимать, кто конкретно является владельцем.

Whose pens are they? — (She) They belong to ____.

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