Match the conversations. 10 What would you like? 2 Here is your money back. 3 Would you like to dance? Thats £1.95, if

Match the conversations. 10 What would you like? 2 Here is your money back. 3 Would you like to dance? Thats £1.95, if you dont mind. How much does an ice cream cone cost? A Thank you. B Here you go. C It costs £1.50 D Can I have a hot dog, please? E That sounds fantastic! 5×4=20 points.

Проверенный ответ:

Тема: Соотнесение бесед

Объяснение: Задание «Match the conversations» предлагает сопоставить беседы с соответствующими ответами. Ниже приведены диалоги с номерами и возможными ответами:

1. «What would you like?» — D. Can I have a hot dog, please?
2. «Here is your money back.» — B. Here you go.
3. «Would you like to dance?» — E. That sounds fantastic!
4. «Thats £1.95, if you dont mind. How much does an ice cream cone cost?» — C. It costs £1.50
5. «5×4=20» — A. Thank you.

Пример использования: Сопоставьте беседы с правильными ответами:
1. What would you like? — __
2. Here is your money back. — __
3. Would you like to dance? — __
4. Thats £1.95, if you dont mind. How much does an ice cream cone cost? — __
5. 5×4=20 — __

Совет: Чтобы легче сопоставить беседы с ответами, рассмотрите контекст каждой фразы и обратите внимание на значения и намерения высказываний.

Упражнение: Соотнесите следующие беседы с ответами:
1. How are you today?
2. Is there a library nearby?
3. Can you lend me your pencil?
4. What time is it?
5. Do you have any plans for the weekend?

A. Sure, here you go.
B. It’s 2 o’clock.
C. I’m good, thanks.
D. Yes, there’s one just around the corner.
E. Not really, I’m free.

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