The text should be completed with the appropriate verb forms indicated in parentheses. The Browns had made plans for a

The text should be completed with the appropriate verb forms indicated in parentheses. The Browns had made plans for a picnic in a charming location for the entire summer. When Mr. Brown finally had a day off and the weather was good, the family made the decision to go on an unforgettable vacation. However, grandmother attempted to convince them not to go, stating, If I were you, I wouldnt go. It might rain today. The children were eager to have a picnic and nothing could deter them.

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Тема: Заполнение пропусков формами глаголов в предложениях

Объяснение: В данной задаче вам предлагается заполнить пропуски подходящими формами глаголов, указанными в скобках. Здесь вы должны выбрать правильную форму глагола, чтобы предложение было грамматически корректным.

Пример использования:
Пропуски подходят следующие глагольные формы:
1. made (make) — прошедшее время глагола «make»;
2. had (have) — прошедшее время глагола «have»;
3. go — инфинитив глагола «go»;
4. wouldnt (would not) — отрицательная форма глагола «would».

Теперь заполним пропуски:
The Browns had made plans for a picnic in a charming location for the entire summer. When Mr. Brown finally had a day off and the weather was good, the family made the decision to go on an unforgettable vacation. However, grandmother attempted to convince them not to go, stating, «If I were you, I wouldn’t go. It might rain today. The children didn’t listen to their grandmother and went on their picnic anyway.»

Совет: Чтение и изучение грамматических правил помогут вам лучше понять, какие формы глаголов использовать в разных ситуациях. Прохождение практики, таких как выполнение задач, также поможет закрепить изучаемые грамматические навыки.

Упражнение: Вставьте правильные формы глаголов в следующие предложения:
1. I (read) a book every night before bed.
2. She (not like) coffee, so she always (drink) tea.
3. We (play) tennis yesterday.
4. They (not see) the movie because it (be) too late.
5. He (do) his homework at the moment.

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