1. A person who finished schooling and is preparing to enroll in university is answered an applicant. 2. An examination

1. A person who finished schooling and is preparing to enroll in university is answered an applicant.
2. An examination that a student undergoes at the conclusion of the fifth or fourth year course is the answer a final.
3. A concise summary of a lecture is answered by.
4. A written record that informs students about the subjects they need to study is answered a course guide.
5. A schedule of activities is answered a timetable.
6. A document displaying a students grades and credits is answered a transcript.
7. A learner who is pursuing education.

Проверенное решение:

Предмет вопроса: Разъяснение понятий

1. A person who finished schooling and is preparing to enroll in university is called an «applicant». An applicant is someone who has completed their secondary education and is now seeking admission to a university or college. They typically go through an application process that involves submitting their academic records, test scores, personal statements, and sometimes attending interviews or taking entrance exams. The purpose of this process is to assess the applicant’s qualifications and suitability for the desired program of study.

2. An examination that a student undergoes at the conclusion of the fifth or fourth year course is called a «final». Finals are comprehensive assessments conducted at the end of a specific academic term or year. These exams are designed to evaluate a student’s understanding of the course material and their ability to apply their knowledge to solve problems or answer questions. Final exams often cover a wide range of topics and require students to demonstrate their proficiency in the subject matter.

3. A concise summary of a lecture is called «lecture notes». Lecture notes are written records or outlines that capture the key points, concepts, and information discussed during a lecture. Students often take notes during lectures to help them review and reinforce their understanding of the material. Effective lecture notes should be organized, clear, and concise, highlighting the main ideas presented by the instructor.

4. A written record that informs students about the subjects they need to study is called a «course guide». A course guide is a document or handbook provided to students at the beginning of a course or academic year. It typically outlines the objectives, content, and structure of the course, as well as the learning outcomes and assessment methods. The course guide also provides information on required textbooks, recommended readings, and any additional resources or materials that students might need to access.

5. A schedule of activities is called a «timetable». A timetable is a visual representation or chart that outlines the sequence and timing of various activities or events. In an educational context, a timetable is used to organize and allocate time for different classes, subjects, or extracurricular activities. It helps students and teachers plan their daily or weekly routines, ensuring that all necessary tasks and commitments are accounted for.

Показательный материал:
1. Кто-то, закончивший школу и готовящийся поступить в университет, называется абитуриентом.
2. Экзамен, который студент сдаёт после окончания пятого или четвёртого курсов, называется финалом.
3. Краткое изложение лекции называется конспектом лекции.
4. Список предметов, которые студентам необходимо изучить, называется программой курса.
5. График занятий называется расписанием.

Для лучшего понимания учебного материала, рекомендуется активно участвовать в уроках, записывать конспекты, задавать вопросы, исследовать дополнительные ресурсы и обратиться за помощью к учителю или одноклассникам в случае необходимости. Также полезно разбить сложную информацию на более мелкие части и учиться постепенно, повторяя и применяя материал в практических заданиях и упражнениях.

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