1) November is the darkest month of the year. 2) Masha is my best friend and all my family likes her. 3) The white cat

1) November is the darkest month of the year.
2) Masha is my best friend and all my family likes her.
3) The white cat is bigger than the grey cat.
4) The room of my sister is more comfortable than the room of my mother.
5) The flowers on the window are more beautiful than the flowers in the garden.
6) Is the Kongo the shortest river in the world?
7) Yesterday was the happiest day in my life!

Подтвержденное решение:

Проверка логических утверждений:

1) Объяснение: November is not the darkest month of the year universally. In fact, the darkness of a month depends on the geographical location. For example, in the Northern Hemisphere, December and January are generally considered the darkest months, as they have the shortest days and longest nights. In contrast, in the Southern Hemisphere, June and July are considered the darkest months. Therefore, the statement «November is the darkest month of the year» is not universally true.

Пример использования: Каково самое темное время года для твоего региона?

Совет: If you want to know the darkest month of the year for your specific region, you can check the sunrise and sunset times for each month or consult a weather website or astronomy resource. Keep in mind that the length of daylight can vary depending on factors such as latitude and time of year.

Упражнение: Research and find out which month is generally the darkest for your geographical location. Explain why it is considered the darkest month.

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